Tag Archives: cambodia

Haunting Phnom Penh

If you want to be crushed and reminded of how much humanity and humans suck, go to Phnom Penh. The capital city itself is wild and crazy, a sort of older and crustier Bangkok on steroids. There are imaginary mental lines of driving lanes that people and animals seem tacitly to agree on. The amount of dust floating overhead from the dirt and pollution piling up cannot possibly be healthy. Every once in a while, you can glimpse a Starbucks or some chain that made my heart pitter-patter and momentarily think, “The city! The mothership! A language I can understand (i.e., American hegemony and all the wonderful cookie-cutter corporate commercial food and beverage predictability that entails). Somehow I managed to avoid McDonalds.

There is an omnipresent juxtaposition between modern-day Phnom Penh and its tragic history. Continue reading Haunting Phnom Penh