Is there anything I miss?

Oddly, not really.

Things I don’t miss:

  1. Meat
  2. Perma-confusion and mania
  3. Drunkenness
  4. Dissatisfaction
  5. Not knowing where I’m going to be tomorrow
  6. Stress
  7. Wasting copious amounts of money on booze, restaurants, clothes, and other consumption items

Some things I might miss:

  1. Feeling young (I started feeling old when I got to LA. I think I changed.)
  2. Being around people with jobs
  3. Direction (forced or otherwise)
  4. Having one person close to me I can talk to and be myself with all the time
  5. Bagel shops
  6. Being able to go downstairs and get everything I want within a 1-2-block radius
  7. Not driving
  8. Walking
  9. Running and not having a completely busted left knee
  10. Roots – a reason to be where I am
  11. Feeling like I’m contributing something to the world and not feeling like a bummy loser (only the case some of the time)
  12. Going to the deli around the corner (around ANY corner) and being able to get an egg and cheese sandwich (I’m so hungry right now)

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