Stillness in London

Most people go to the Himalayas or a similar setting to sit still (I may still do that later!). I’ve chosen London. Like Pico Iyer discusses in this Ted Talk, he was somehow inexplicably drawn to Kyoto. After spending many years traveling and flitting around, he had a sort of revelation and moved to Kyoto. In a similar way, I am drawn to London. It gives me a sense of ease. My plan is to not really have a plan and sit here for up to 10 days, being alone, reflecting, reading, watching philosophical things, and cultivating a sense of mindfulness. Appreciating time and space. I relate to the notion that you have to be in the right frame of mind to travel. For these reasons, I’ve been traveling the world, not to see things and check things off the box but to really open myself up inside. I’ve been drawing energy from landscapes and friends.

Also, I’m doing something called the 3-day military diet. That’s for another post. Let’s see how that works. It sounds extreme, but I’m not doing it in that spirit. I find that when there’s less motion and stuff and generally more space, I really don’t need to eat as much. Usually, when I eat, it’s more to calm down my nervous system or because of some social situation.

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